Monday, September 7, 2009

Oliver "Ollie"

I want to share a new joy in our little family, Oliver or "Ollie". He is our new puppy and is officially our first family pet (well beside our goldfish "Milo") and a perfect first pet he is! Anyone looking for a good apartment/house dog this is it! Ollie is a Shetland Sheepdog and can also be known as a Sheltie. This breed ranks in the top 10 of the smartest dogs and they look like miniature Collies when they are full grown.

I will admit the first couple of nights I questioned our decision of getting him because of his continuos whimpering and barking when it was time for the crate. Marcos gently reassured me that everything would be ok and not to give up so quickly. Eventually Ollie grew to love his little space and the nights returned to normal, thank goodness! Then there was the peeing and pooping in the apartment, this was a constant battle for weeks. We thought he would never figure out his toilet was outside and not on the carpet. Around 2 months of age he finally realized what we had been trying to train him to do, and what a glorious day that was! He grows like a weed and has such a sweet little personality. He always wants to play fetch, chew on his rope, stretch out on the wood floor and nap, and when Marcos and I sit on the couch together he definitely likes to be included. He is a good traveler and will never give up an opportunity to play with other dogs, especially his best bud "Rousseau".

It is very interesting how much I have come to love this little puppy because I was never much of a dog person. Before we had Ollie I thought other pet owners were a bit crazy when they expressed how much they love their pet, and I know some of our friends and family think the same of us now.

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